This website is developed by LHemon412. The speech feature is developed by mzltn.
In the settings, you can choose between Sino and Native Korean number mode.
For Sino mode, you can choose the range of numbers occuring (from 일 to 백억).
You will hear a voice speaking aloud the number, you may click on the number to listen again.
If you got a wrong answer, the correct number will be shown on the screen. Press "Return" when you are
ready for the next question.
- Feature: Text To Speech. You may now listen to the question. (Thanks to mzltn)
- Bugfix: Wrong number displayed for sino numbers larger than 100000
- Feature: significant figures
- Feature: options of kor->num / num->kor
- Bugfix: blank question for sino numbers (0)
- Bugfix: 1 digit numbers (01 02 03...)
- Bugfix: 영 on tens numbers (e.g. 스물영)
- Bugfix: showing 'undefined' on numbers > 100b
- Feature: choose number range for Sino numbers
- Feature: press Return for next question if wrongly answered